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Florist Choice Bouquet

Florist Choice


Discover the beauty of spontaneity with our Florist's Choice Bouquet. Let our expert florists create a unique arrangement just for you, ensuring a delightful burst of color and freshness that suits any occasion. Embrace the joy of surprise and elevate your floral moments with simplicity and charm.

When you choose this bouquet we will choose the prettiest of blooms in season. 


Images are for example only, Floral Desire Studio will create a bespoke arrangement to suit each individual order. Your floral arrangement will be made using seasonally available fresh flowers from the market on the day of your order. Flowers are hand selected by our professional floral designers to compliment your selection. Floral Desire Studio will use our own discretion to substitute if required.


All blooms are freshly handpicked daily, Your bouquet will grow as each bloom opens to its potential. Tulips will grow much taller that all other flowers. Some flowers like Lillies are purchased in bud to last longer.

Trim the stems approximately 1cm in fresh water upon arrival. Place your flowers in a cool room away from direct sunlight, radiators and draughts. For longer lasting flowers, change the water and trim the stems every second day. Remove any faded blooms to encourage buds to open. Remove any foliage below the water line.

Please note, we do NOT deliver on Sundays*. Any orders placed for delivery on a Sunday will be delivered on the following Monday.

Florist Choice


Discover the beauty of spontaneity with our Florist's Choice Bouquet. Let our expert florists create a unique arrangement just for you, ensuring a delightful burst of color and freshness that suits any occasion. Embrace the joy of surprise and elevate your floral moments with simplicity and charm.

When you choose this bouquet we will choose the prettiest of blooms in season. 


Images are for example only, Floral Desire Studio will create a bespoke arrangement to suit each individual order. Your floral arrangement will be made using seasonally available fresh flowers from the market on the day of your order. Flowers are hand selected by our professional floral designers to compliment your selection. Floral Desire Studio will use our own discretion to substitute if required.


All blooms are freshly handpicked daily, Your bouquet will grow as each bloom opens to its potential. Tulips will grow much taller that all other flowers. Some flowers like Lillies are purchased in bud to last longer.

Trim the stems approximately 1cm in fresh water upon arrival. Place your flowers in a cool room away from direct sunlight, radiators and draughts. For longer lasting flowers, change the water and trim the stems every second day. Remove any faded blooms to encourage buds to open. Remove any foliage below the water line.

Please note, we do NOT deliver on Sundays*. Any orders placed for delivery on a Sunday will be delivered on the following Monday.

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